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"Elevating the young and the finest of Indonesia"

SMA Pradita Dirgantara is the Laboratory Senior High School of Sebelas Maret University. It is a newly opened senior high school. The school has a total of 150 selected students from the best schools in 34 provinces of Indonesia. 

Location: Jl. Cendrawasih No.4, Tanjungsari, Ngesrep, Ngemplak, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia


Name of Principal: Prof. Dr. Siswandari M.Stats

Number of Teachers: 21

Number of students: 150

Number of sections: 5



SMA Pradita Dirgantara has 12 regular classrooms. All of the classrooms are air conditioned and equipped with a projector, learning materials, and a white board.


Chemistry Laboratory


Biology Laboratory


Physics Laboratory


Language Laboratory


Computer Laboratory


School's academic support system​

SMA Pradita Dirgantara's motto is "Elevating the young and the finest of Indonesia". The goal of the school is to produce competent students. In order to achieve their goal, the school has hired competent teachers that will help the students mold their cognitive and social skills. Aside from learning in the classroom, they also use web classroom so every student can read the past lessons again. The school also offers various extra curricular activities to enhance student's skills outside the classroom. Students can go to the teacher's dorm and see their teachers to tutor them whenever they are having a hard time understanding the lesson.

Teaching System

SMA Pradita Dirgantara adapted the moving class system in their teaching system. Each subject has a corresponding classroom and teacher, and the students will transfer from one classroom to another depending on their scheduled subject.


In this system, the teachers are given enough time to prepare for their class. or example, setting the projector and PowerPoint presentation before the time. So when the the students enter the classroom, everything is set and ready for discussion.


Classrooms are more appropriate for the subject because each classroom was designed based on the need of the subject. In the English classroom, there are dictionaries and English workbooks that are ready to use.  The discipline of the students are also developed because they have to come on time and behave when moving from one classroom to another. 

Materials and other Learning Sources

Every subject teacher in SMA Pradita Dirgantara was tasked to create their own book that will be used by the students. My critic teacher handles Obligatory English, so she crafted her own book. Every book was proofread by credible individuals to ensure the quality of the book.


They also use the E-Learning. In e-learning, the teachers upload the lesson that they had on that day so that the students can re-read and review the lesson easily. This program helps a lot in studying especially to those students who are having a hard time understanding the lesson. 

Measurement and Evaluation system 

Students are assessed through quizzes, examinations, and projects. Every end of a lesson, the students will have a quiz or an activity that are in lined to their lesson to check their cognitive skills. A project is also given depending on the topic.The teachers use a scoring rubric to assess the work of the students.



SMA Pradita Dirgantara uses Kurikulum 2013+. Kurikulum 2013 is a recent curriculum that has been implemented in Indonesia. Since SMA Pradita Dirgantara is owned by Indonesia Air Force, they use the Kurikulum 13 but they added Aerospace into their curriculum; that is why they call it Kurikulum 2013+. 




To be a reputable International high school which is based on the noble values of the national culture to grow the students being the Indonesia’s future leaders who have faith in God, smart, creative, independent and having aerospace-insight.




  • Conducting education based on current knowledge and technology development with strengtening in faith

  • Conducting an aerospace – insight education based on noble values of national culture

  • Growing  smart, creative, independent students through an active, innovative, creative, effective, and fun learning process.

  • Conducting an aerospace – insight education to strenghten  students’ interest and talent especially in academic, leadership, art, and sport area to support the rising of high reputation generation.

  • Creating  condusive school’s eco syatem base on caring, participating, and habituating.




Teachers in SMA Pradita Dirgantara crafted their own book. In English subject, the teachers assigned in the subject created their own book to serve as a guide in their lessons. 

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